Mastering the AdminClient: Efficient Management of Apache Kafka Clusters

17 min readOct 22, 2024


Apache Kafka has emerged as a dominant platform for real-time data streaming, enabling organizations to process vast amounts of data efficiently. One of the essential tools in Kafka for managing your cluster is the AdminClient. This article provides a detailed understanding of the AdminClient, including its features, design principles, and practical usage.

What is AdminClient?

The AdminClient is a Java-based interface that allows developers to perform administrative operations on Kafka clusters programmatically. With the AdminClient, you can:

  1. Create and delete topics

2. Configure topic settings

3. Retrieve metadata about the Kafka cluster

4. Manage user access and permissions.

By using AdminClient, you can automate and streamline administrative tasks, reducing manual intervention and improving the efficiency of your Kafka operations.

Key Features of AdminClient

Asynchronous Operations:

  • AdminClient operations are inherently asynchronous, meaning they do not block your application while waiting for a response.
  • When you call an AdminClient method, it immediately returns a Future object, which represents the result of the asynchronous operation. This allows your application to continue processing other tasks without waiting.
  • For example, when you create a topic, the method returns a Future that you can use to check whether the topic was successfully created.

Eventual Consistency:

  • Once you issue a request (like creating a topic), the Kafka Controller acknowledges it. However, there might be a delay before all Kafka brokers (servers that store data) are updated with this change.
  • This situation is known as eventual consistency: while the Controller will eventually propagate the changes to all brokers, there may be a window during which some brokers are unaware of the new state.
  • For instance, immediately after creating a topic, querying for the list of topics may not include the newly created topic if some brokers have not yet synchronized.

Options Objects : Each method in the AdminClient requires a specific Options object that configures how the request will be handled.

For example:

  • listTopics(ListTopicsOptions options): Allows you to customize what is included in the response, such as whether to include internal topics.
  • describeCluster(DescribeClusterOptions options): Lets you configure the details you want about the cluster.
  • A key property in all options is timeoutMs, which defines how long the client will wait for a response from the cluster before throwing a TimeoutException. This helps prevent your application from hanging indefinitely.

Flat Interface:

  • The AdminClient has a flat structure, meaning all operations are accessible without navigating through complex hierarchies or namespaces.
  • This design makes it straightforward to find and use the methods you need. For example, if you want to perform an administrative task, you only need to consult the AdminClient documentation to find the relevant methods.

How AdminClient Works

Making Asynchronous Calls

To operate using the AdminClient, you follow these steps:

Call a Method For example, if you want to create a topic called "my-topic", you might use the createTopics method.

CreateTopicsResult result = adminClient.createTopics(Collections.singletonList(new NewTopic("my-topic", 1, (short) 1)));

Immediate Response The createTopics method sends the request to the Kafka Controller and immediately returns a CreateTopicsResult object.

Check Status You can then use the result to check whether the topic was created successfully:

try {
result.all().get(); // Wait for the operation to complete
System.out.println("Topic created successfully!");
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
System.err.println("Failed to create topic: " + e.getMessage());

Understanding Eventual Consistency

To illustrate eventual consistency:

  • After creating, the Controller acknowledges the request.
  • The Controller updates its state, but it might take a few moments for all brokers to receive this update.
  • If you immediately list topics after creating a new topic, you may run into a situation where the list does not include "my-topic" Some brokers still need to be in sync.

This behaviour emphasizes the need to design your application with the understanding that not all operations will reflect changes instantaneously.

Using Options Objects

Every method requires an Options object to tailor the request. Here’s how you can customize a request:

Listing Topics Example: When you want to list topics, you can specify options:

ListTopicsOptions options = new ListTopicsOptions();
options.timeoutMs(5000); // Set timeout to 5 seconds
Map<String, ListTopicsResult> topics = adminClient.listTopics(options).names().get();

Customizing Requests: By setting different options, you can modify how the request behaves. This flexibility allows you to cater to your specific needs and conditions.

AdminClient Lifecycle: Creating, Configuring, and Closing

In order to use Kafka’s AdminClient, the first step is to construct an instance of the AdminClient class. This is quite straightforward:

Properties props = new Properties();
props.put(AdminClientConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "localhost:9092");
AdminClient admin = AdminClient.create(props);
// TODO: Do something useful with AdminClient

The static create method takes as an argument a Properties object with configuration. The only mandatory configuration is the URI for your cluster, which is a comma-separated list of brokers to connect to. In production environments, it is advisable to specify at least three brokers to ensure availability in case one is down.

Closing the AdminClient

When you start an AdminClient, you will eventually want to close it. It is important to remember that when you call close, there could still be some AdminClient operations in progress. Therefore, the close method accepts a timeout parameter. Once you call close, you cannot call any other methods or send any more requests, but the client will wait for responses until the timeout expires. After the timeout expires, the client will abort all ongoing operations with a timeout exception and release all resources. Calling close without a timeout implies that you’ll wait as long as it takes for all ongoing operations to complete.

Important Configuration Parameters

While the KafkaProducer and KafkaConsumer have numerous configuration parameters, the AdminClient is much simpler. Here are some important configuration parameters to consider:


  • This configuration was introduced in the Apache Kafka 2.1.0 release.
  • By default, Kafka validates, resolves, and creates connections based on the hostname provided in the bootstrap server configuration (and later in the names returned by the brokers as specified in the advertised.listeners configuration). This works most of the time but may fail in two scenarios:

Use of DNS Aliases: If you have multiple brokers with a naming convention like, you might want to create a single DNS alias that maps to all of them. However, using SASL for authentication could cause issues if the client tries to authenticate using the alias instead of the specific broker name.

  • In this case, use client.dns.lookup=resolve_canonical_bootstrap_servers_only to ensure that the client resolves the DNS alias properly.

DNS Name with Multiple IP Addresses: If all brokers are behind a proxy or load balancer (common in Kubernetes), you don’t want the load balancer to become a single point of failure. If the client tries to connect to the first IP that the hostname resolves to, it could fail if that IP is unavailable. Thus, it is recommended to use client.dns.lookup=use_all_dns_ips to ensure the client can connect to any available IP.

  • This configuration limits the time your application can spend waiting for the AdminClient to respond, including the time spent retrying if the client receives a retriable error. The default value is 120 seconds, which is quite long. If an AdminClient operation is critical for your application, you may want to use a lower timeout value and handle the lack of timely response in a different way. For example, services might validate the existence of specific topics upon startup, but if Kafka takes longer than 30 seconds to respond, the service may continue starting and validate the existence of topics later or skip this validation entirely.

How AdminClient Works

Making Asynchronous Calls

To perform an operation using the AdminClient, you follow these steps:

Call a Method: For example, if you want to create a topic called "my-topic", you might use the createTopics method.

CreateTopicsResult result = adminClient.createTopics(Collections.singletonList(new NewTopic("my-topic", 1, (short) 1)));

Immediate Response: The createTopics method sends the request to the Kafka Controller and immediately returns a CreateTopicsResult object.

Check Status: You can then use the result to check whether the topic was created successfully:

try {
result.all().get(); // Wait for the operation to complete
System.out.println("Topic created successfully!");
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
System.err.println("Failed to create topic: " + e.getMessage());

Understanding Eventual Consistency

To illustrate eventual consistency:

  • After creating "my-topic", the Controller acknowledges the request.
  • The Controller updates its state, but it might take a few moments for all brokers to receive this update.
  • If you immediately list topics after creating the new topic, you may encounter a situation where the list does not include "my-topic" if some brokers are still out of sync.

This behavior emphasizes the need to design your application with the understanding that not all operations will reflect changes instantaneously.

Using Options Objects

Every method requires an Options object to tailor the request. Here’s how you can customize a request:

When you want to list topics, you can specify options:

ListTopicsOptions options = new ListTopicsOptions();
options.timeoutMs(5000); // Set timeout to 5 seconds
Map<String, ListTopicsResult> topics = adminClient.listTopics(options).names().get();

Customizing Requests: By setting different options, you can modify how the request behaves. This flexibility allows you to cater to your specific needs and conditions.

Practical Usage of AdminClient

To effectively utilize the AdminClient in your Kafka management tasks, consider the following practices:

Error Handling: Always implement error handling when using AdminClient methods. Since operations are asynchronous, it’s crucial to catch exceptions and handle them appropriately.

Logging: Maintain logs for all your AdminClient interactions. Logging can help you trace requests, diagnose issues, and monitor changes to your Kafka cluster.

Utilize Futures: Make the most of the Future objects returned by AdminClient methods. For example, you can run follow-up actions once an operation is completed.

Test in Development: Before deploying changes to your production environment, test your AdminClient code in a controlled development environment. This minimizes risks associated with unexpected behaviour.

Regular Monitoring: Use AdminClient methods to check the health of your Kafka cluster regularly. Monitoring its status helps you identify and resolve issues before they affect your applications.

Avoiding Direct Zookeeper Usage

While you can manage Kafka using Zookeeper, it is advisable to avoid direct interactions with it for the following reasons:

  • Future Dependency Changes: The Kafka community is moving towards removing Zookeeper as a dependency. If your application relies on Zookeeper for administrative tasks, you’ll need to refactor your code when this change happens.
  • Consistency with AdminClient: Using the AdminClient ensures that you are working with the most up-to-date interfaces. It abstracts away the complexities of Zookeeper and offers a stable and consistent API for managing your Kafka cluster.

The Kafka AdminClient is a powerful tool that provides a programmatic way to manage Kafka clusters effectively. By understanding its asynchronous nature, eventual consistency, and the importance of options objects, you can perform a variety of administrative tasks, such as creating and managing topics, retrieving cluster metadata, and more.

Following best practices — like implementing robust error handling, maintaining logs, and testing your code — will help ensure a smooth experience with the AdminClient. As you become more familiar with this tool, you will be better equipped to handle Kafka cluster management tasks and optimize your real-time data streaming applications.

Topic Management

Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that is widely used for building real-time data pipelines and streaming applications. One of the essential functionalities that Kafka provides is topic management. The Kafka AdminClient allows developers to manage topics programmatically, enabling operations such as listing, creating, deleting, and describing topics. In this article, we’ll dive into the core aspects of topic management using Python and the kafka-python library.

Setting Up Kafka AdminClient in Python

To start managing topics, you need to have the Kafka AdminClient set up. First, ensure you have Kafka running and that you have the kafka-python library installed. You can install it using pip:

pip install kafka-python

Now, let’s create an instance of the AdminClient:

from kafka import KafkaAdminClient

# Configure the AdminClient
admin_client = KafkaAdminClient(
bootstrap_servers="localhost:9092", # Replace with your Kafka server

Listing Topics

One of the first tasks you may want to perform is listing all topics in the Kafka cluster. Here’s how you can do it:

# List all topics
def list_topics():
topics = admin_client.list_topics()
print("Current Topics in Kafka:")
for topic in topics:


In the list_topics function, we use the list_topics method from the AdminClient to retrieve the current topics and print them.

Checking if a Topic Exists and Creating It

To check if a topic exists, you can retrieve a list of all topics and check for your specific topic. However, this approach might be inefficient for large clusters. Instead, it’s better to describe the topic directly. Here’s how to check if a topic exists and create it if it doesn’t:

from kafka.admin import NewTopic
from kafka.errors import TopicAlreadyExistsError, UnknownTopicOrPartitionError

TOPIC_NAME = "demo_topic"

def check_and_create_topic():
# Describe the topic
topic_description = admin_client.describe_topics([TOPIC_NAME])[0]

# Check the number of partitions
if len(topic_description.partitions) != NUM_PARTITIONS:
print("Topic has wrong number of partitions. Exiting.")
except UnknownTopicOrPartitionError:
print(f"Topic {TOPIC_NAME} does not exist. Going to create it now.")

# Create the new topic
new_topic = NewTopic(name=TOPIC_NAME, num_partitions=NUM_PARTITIONS, replication_factor=REPLICATION_FACTOR)
print(f"Topic {TOPIC_NAME} created successfully.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")


In this code, we attempt to describe the topic. If it doesn’t exist, we catch the UnknownTopicOrPartitionError exception and create the topic. When creating a topic, you can specify the number of partitions and replication factor.

Deleting a Topic

To delete a topic, you can call the delete_topics method on the AdminClient. Note that deleting a topic is irreversible, so exercise caution:

def delete_topic(topic_name):
print(f"Topic {topic_name} deleted successfully.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred while deleting the topic: {e}")

# Delete the topic

This function attempts to delete the specified topic and handles any exceptions that might occur during the process.

Asynchronous Processing with Kafka Futures

When writing applications that need to handle many requests concurrently, you may want to avoid blocking operations. You can use futures to manage the completion of async tasks. Here’s an example of how you can handle topic descriptions asynchronously:

import asyncio
from kafka import KafkaConsumer

async def async_describe_topic(topic_name):
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
description = await loop.run_in_executor(None, lambda: admin_client.describe_topics([topic_name])[0])
print(f"Description of topic {topic_name}: {description}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error describing topic {topic_name}: {e}")

async def main():
await async_describe_topic(TOPIC_NAME)

In this example, we use Python’s asyncio to run the describe topic function without blocking the main thread. This allows for better performance when handling multiple requests.

Configuration Management in Apache Kafka

Configuration management in Apache Kafka plays a critical role in maintaining the stability and performance of Kafka clusters. It involves describing and updating configurations associated with various resources like brokers, loggers, and topics. While tools such as are typically used for managing broker configurations, applications often need to directly interact with topic configurations for optimal operations.

Types of Config Resources

In Kafka, configuration management revolves around several types of resources, each identified by a ConfigResource:

  1. Broker: Represents a Kafka broker and its configuration.
  2. Broker Logger: Represents logging configurations for a broker.
  3. Topic: Represents configurations related to a specific topic.

The primary focus of this article will be on managing topic configurations, especially since many applications rely on specific topic configurations for their functionality, such as compacted topics.

Checking and Modifying Topic Configurations

One common scenario in Kafka applications is ensuring that a topic is configured as a compacted topic. Compaction is a process that removes older records in favor of the latest value for a given key, which can significantly impact performance and data integrity in applications.

To manage topic configurations, we can utilize the Kafka AdminClient to describe and update configurations programmatically. Below is a Python implementation demonstrating how to check and update topic configurations using the kafka-python library.

Example: Managing Topic Configurations

Install Required Packages: Before you begin, make sure you have the necessary package installed. You can use kafka-python to interact with your Kafka cluster.

pip install kafka-python

Python Code Implementation: Here’s how you can check if a topic is compacted and, if not, update its configuration:

from kafka import KafkaAdminClient
from kafka.admin import ConfigResource, Config, ConfigEntry, AlterConfigOp

# Define constants
BROKER_URL = 'localhost:9092' # Update with your broker's address
TOPIC_NAME = 'your_topic_name' # Replace with your topic name

# Initialize the Kafka Admin Client
admin_client = KafkaAdminClient(bootstrap_servers=BROKER_URL)

def check_and_update_topic_configuration(topic_name):
# Step 1: Create a ConfigResource for the topic
config_resource = ConfigResource(ConfigResource.TYPE_TOPIC, topic_name)

# Step 2: Describe the current configuration of the topic
configs_result = admin_client.describe_configs([config_resource])
configs = configs_result[config_resource]

# Step 3: Print non-default configurations
print("Current non-default configurations for topic:", topic_name)
for entry in configs:
if not entry.is_default:

# Step 4: Check if the topic is compacted
compaction_entry = ConfigEntry('cleanup.policy', 'compact')
if compaction_entry not in configs:
# Step 5: If the topic is not compacted, modify its configuration
print(f"Topic {topic_name} is not compacted. Updating to compacted policy.")
alter_config_ops = [AlterConfigOp(compaction_entry, AlterConfigOp.OpType.SET)]
admin_client.incremental_alter_configs({config_resource: alter_config_ops})
print(f"Topic {topic_name} updated to use compaction policy.")
print(f"Topic {topic_name} is already configured as a compacted topic.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Explanation of the Code

  1. Initialization: The KafkaAdminClient is initialized with the bootstrap server URL of your Kafka cluster.
  2. Config Resource: A ConfigResource object is created for the specified topic. This resource is used to request the current configurations of the topic.
  3. Describe Configurations: The describe_configs method is called on the admin client to retrieve the current configurations for the topic.
  4. Check Non-default Configurations: The script filters and prints non-default configurations to give visibility into the current setup.
  5. Check for Compaction: The code checks if the topic’s cleanup.policy is set to compact. If not, it prepares to update the topic configuration.
  6. Update Configuration: If the topic is not compacted, it constructs an AlterConfigOp for the compaction entry and calls incremental_alter_configs to apply the change.

Importance of Configuration Management

Managing topic configurations is vital for maintaining the performance and reliability of Kafka applications. Misconfigurations can lead to data loss or unexpected behaviour, especially in applications that rely on specific configurations like compaction. Being able to programmatically check and update configurations ensures that applications can adapt to changing requirements dynamically.

Managing Kafka Consumer Groups

Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that allows you to build real-time data pipelines and streaming applications. One of the essential components of Kafka is its ability to manage consumer groups, which allows multiple consumers to read messages from the same topic while maintaining message order and load balancing. This article will explore how to manage consumer groups in Kafka programmatically using Python, leveraging the confluent-kafka library to handle various scenarios, including exploring and modifying consumer groups.

Consumer Groups

Consumer groups allow multiple consumer instances to work together to process messages from Kafka topics. Each consumer in the group processes messages from a subset of partitions, ensuring that messages are processed in parallel. Kafka keeps track of which messages have been consumed by each consumer group, allowing consumers to resume processing from the last committed offset in case of failures or restarts.

Key Concepts

  • Consumer Group: A group of consumers that work together to consume messages from one or more Kafka topics.
  • Offset: A unique identifier for each message within a partition. Kafka keeps track of the last committed offset for each consumer group.
  • Lag: The difference between the latest offset in a partition and the last committed offset by the consumer group. Lag indicates how far behind the consumer group is in processing messages.

Setting Up Your Environment

To manage consumer groups in Kafka using Python, you need to install the confluent-kafka library. You can install it using pip:

pip install confluent-kafka

Additionally, ensure that you have a Kafka broker running and accessible. You will also need the Kafka configuration details such as broker address, topic name, and consumer group name.

Exploring Consumer Groups

Listing Consumer Groups

To start exploring consumer groups, we can list all the available consumer groups in the Kafka cluster:

from confluent_kafka.admin import AdminClient

def list_consumer_groups(broker):
admin_client = AdminClient({'bootstrap.servers': broker})

# List consumer groups
consumer_groups = admin_client.list_consumer_groups().groups
for group_id, group in consumer_groups.items():
print(f"Consumer Group ID: {group_id}, State: {group.state}")

broker = 'localhost:9092' # Update with your broker address

Describing a Consumer Group

Once you have the list of consumer groups, you may want to get more details about a specific consumer group, such as its members, partitions, and committed offsets:

def describe_consumer_group(broker, group_id):
admin_client = AdminClient({'bootstrap.servers': broker})

# Describe consumer group
group_description = admin_client.describe_consumer_groups([group_id])
description = group_description[group_id]

print(f"Description of Consumer Group {group_id}:")
print(f"Members: {description.members}")
print(f"Partitions Assigned: {description.partitions}")

describe_consumer_group(broker, 'your_consumer_group_id') # Replace with your consumer group ID

Checking Committed Offsets

To determine how much lag exists for each partition in the consumer group, we need to check the committed offsets and the latest offsets in the topic:

from confluent_kafka import KafkaConsumer, TopicPartition

def check_offset_lag(broker, group_id, topic):
consumer = KafkaConsumer(group_id=group_id, bootstrap_servers=broker)

# Assign the topic partitions to the consumer
partitions = consumer.partitions_for_topic(topic)
topic_partitions = [TopicPartition(topic, p) for p in partitions]

# Get committed offsets
committed_offsets = consumer.committed(topic_partitions)

# Get latest offsets
latest_offsets = {}
for partition in topic_partitions:
partition_info = consumer.get_partition_info(partition)
latest_offsets[partition] = partition_info.highwatermark

# Calculate lag
for partition in topic_partitions:
lag = latest_offsets[partition] - committed_offsets[partition]
print(f"Topic: {topic}, Partition: {partition.partition}, Committed Offset: {committed_offsets[partition]}, Latest Offset: {latest_offsets[partition]}, Lag: {lag}")

check_offset_lag(broker, 'your_consumer_group_id', 'your_topic_name') # Replace with your consumer group ID and topic

Modifying Consumer Group Offsets

In certain scenarios, you might need to reset offsets for a consumer group. This is especially useful when you want to re-process messages due to an error or when migrating to a new cluster.

Resetting Offsets

To reset the offsets, you can use the AdminClient to alter the offsets for a consumer group. Here’s how to do that:

from confluent_kafka.admin import AdminClient, NewPartitions

def reset_consumer_group_offsets(broker, group_id, topic):
admin_client = AdminClient({'bootstrap.servers': broker})

# Get the earliest offsets
earliest_offsets = admin_client.list_offsets({TopicPartition(topic, p): -2 for p in consumer.partitions_for_topic(topic)})

reset_offsets = {tp: earliest_offsets[tp].offset for tp in earliest_offsets.keys()}

# Alter consumer group offsets
admin_client.alter_consumer_group_offsets(group_id, reset_offsets)
print(f"Offsets for consumer group {group_id} have been reset to the earliest available offsets.")

reset_consumer_group_offsets(broker, 'your_consumer_group_id', 'your_topic_name') # Replace with your consumer group ID and topic

Cluster Metadata

While Kafka clients generally abstract away the details of the cluster, there may be times when you need to access metadata about the Kafka cluster you’re connected to. This metadata can include information about the brokers, the cluster ID, and the controller node. In this article, we’ll explore how to retrieve and display Kafka cluster metadata using Python and the confluent-kafka library.

Why Access Cluster Metadata?

  1. Verification: Ensure that your application is connected to the correct Kafka cluster, especially in environments with multiple clusters.
  2. Monitoring: Obtain insights into the number of brokers and their statuses, which can help diagnose issues.
  3. Debugging: Assist in troubleshooting connectivity or performance problems by understanding the cluster’s topology.

Setting Up the Environment

First, ensure you have the confluent-kafka library installed. If you haven't installed it yet, you can do so using pip:

pip install confluent-kafka

Additionally, you should have access to a running Kafka cluster, and you’ll need the broker addresses to connect.

Retrieving Cluster Metadata

Below is a Python script that demonstrates how to connect to a Kafka cluster and retrieve its metadata:

from confluent_kafka.admin import AdminClient

def describe_cluster(broker):
# Create an AdminClient instance
admin_client = AdminClient({'bootstrap.servers': broker})

# Describe the cluster
cluster = admin_client.describe_cluster()

# Display the cluster ID
print(f"Connected to cluster: {cluster.cluster_id().get()}")

# Display the brokers in the cluster
print("The brokers in the cluster are:")
for node in cluster.nodes().get():
print(f" * Node ID: {}, Host: {}, Port: {node.port}")

# Display the controller node
print(f"The controller is: Node ID: {cluster.controller().get().id}, Host: {cluster.controller().get().host}, Port: {cluster.controller().get().port}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
broker = 'localhost:9092' # Update with your broker address

Creating an AdminClient: The AdminClient is initialized with the broker's address. This client is responsible for managing administrative operations in Kafka.

Describing the Cluster: The describe_cluster method retrieves information about the Kafka cluster.

Printing Cluster Metadata:

  • Cluster ID: A globally unique identifier for the cluster.
  • Brokers: Each broker is listed with its ID, host, and port.
  • Controller: The controller broker, which is responsible for managing the cluster metadata and partitions, is also displayed.

Running the Script

Save the script to a file named, and then run it using Python:


Make sure to replace 'localhost:9092' with the address of your Kafka broker if it's running on a different host or port.


In this article, we’ve explored the powerful capabilities of the AdminClient in Apache Kafka, which provides a high-level interface for managing and monitoring your Kafka clusters. We covered the key features of AdminClient, including topic management, consumer group management, and configuration management, illustrating its importance in maintaining a robust Kafka environment. By avoiding direct interactions with Zookeeper and leveraging the asynchronous processing capabilities with Kafka futures, developers can streamline their applications and ensure efficient cluster operations.

Understanding the lifecycle of the AdminClient, from creation to closure, is essential for effective resource management. With practical examples of usage, we demonstrated how to check and modify topic configurations, explore consumer groups, and retrieve cluster metadata, allowing for a more informed approach to application development and troubleshooting.

As you implement Kafka in your projects, leveraging the AdminClient will enhance your ability to manage Kafka efficiently, ensuring that your applications remain performant and resilient in the face of challenges.




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